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my books


I love reading and have a huge library of wonderful books on homeopathy and health related topics. I've also written a few books myself. My philosophy in life is to keep things simple and minimilistic. I'm not a Buddhist but I am inspired by the simplicity and straightforwardness of Zen and I try to bring that simplicity to my books. Homeopathic medicine is in fact quite a complex subject so my hope with these books is to convey it in a fun and easy to understand way. I also love art. That's why I chose the picture book format. It's my excuse to spend hours and hours drawing.

The main character in is 9 year old Emma. If you are wondering why choose a young girl as a character to explain medical topics is because if you can take a complex subject and explain it from a child's perspective then I think you truely understand that subject. Please enjoy reading my books


emma discovers forest bathing

Rodger Douglas

Take a walk through the forest with Emma and her cat Hanna. As she strolls through the forest she’ll explain to you the health benefits of forest bathing.

If you’ve never heard of forest bathing before, it’s simply wandering through a forest or another green area at a slow pace while taking time to noticing your surroundings with all your senses. Being bathed in the energy of the forest can be very rejuvenating for your body and mind. Emma describes a few activities you can do while in nature to become more deeply connected to nature.

This is a children’s book but it is really helpful for adults who are looking for more natural and holistic ways to improve their health.

Available on Amazon

emma discovers bach flower remedies

Rodger Douglas


Amazon Review

It is a wonderful book and I highly recommend it, especially if you are interested in natural remedies. This book is a sweet little encyclopedia with lovely illustrations. It is thought-provoking and both adults and kids can learn a lot from it. The flower essences are presented beautifully, in a simple and easy to understand manner. If you are interested in emotional intelligence, this book can be a great tool, to explore more within oneself and to start discussions with our kids. A beautiful book that brings awareness, fosters curiosity, and invites us to learn more about natural remedies. Nina

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emma discovers doctor sarno

Rodger Douglas


Emma travels back to 1980s New York to interview doctor Sarno. While they wander though the streets of New York he tells Emma about his research into chronic pain. He tells  her that pain is linked to the subconscious and that it's possible to get rid of it through journaling. Written for children and adults interested in natural health. 

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emma discovers bach lower remedies

Japanese version




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fibromyalgia journal for women


Unfortunately I'm a bit embarressed by this journal. I feel that the contents are useful but it has several typos. Just after publishing the first draft my trusted laptop of a whole decade passed away and couldn't be revived. Why did it have to happen on the one day I didn't back up my work? It needs an editing but other than that it's a great journal


Record your fibromyalgia symptoms and possible triggers over a period of eight weeks, so that you can observe patterns or connections you weren’t aware of before. This journal is broken up into eight one-week sections: EMFs, drink, food, activity, sleep, emotions, stress, and the weather. The reason for this is to help you focus on one aspect of your health at a time in the hope of pinpointing your triggers.

Get your copy at Amazon


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