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I’m Rodger Douglas and I use homeopathy and healthy living to treat fibromyalgia. 

books exercise


books on exercise

for people with fibromyalgia

Being properly hydrated is one of the best ways to begin treatment for fibromyalgia and chronic disease in general. There are three ways to become hydrated: firstly make sure you are drinking enough liquids, secondly mineralize your body with unrefined salts, and thirdly understand that hydration is not only a physical process but a mental one as well.  

I love reading and have a huge library on homeopathy and health. All the books that I review on this site I've read, and have found practically useful as a practicing homeopath. Here is my list of the most handy books on movement and exercise for people with fibromyalgia.

This post contains Amazon affiliate links; I will make a commission at no extra cost to you, should you click through and make a purchase. Read my disclosure for more information. 

bigelow book


Simple Relief through Movement

Stacie L. Bigelow

If you only read one book on fibromyalgia and exercise then this is it. Stacie Bigelow, a motivational health counselor and fibromyalgia sufferer herself, gives hope to everyone with fibromyalgia with a simple program designed to help you benefit from the one thing that is known to help: movement.

"The most important key to managing muscles affected by fibromyalgia," writes Bigelow, "is to keep them moving." Drawing onnew medical understanding of fibromyalgia as well as her patients' and her own experiences, she explains what the disease is and how to implement an effective plan.

Presenting clear and specific advice on how to use movement safelyand effectively to ease the pain of fibromyalgia, this caring, knowledgeable guide will give you an optimistic new mind-set aboutyour pain, your body, and your future.


the slow burn fitness revolution

Fredrick Hahn


This book lays out an accumulating body of scientific evidence that shows that you don't need to spend hours in the gym. All you really need with a slow burn exercise routine is 30 minutes a week. 


Slow burn is a form of weight lifting that is very slow, smooth, and controlled rather than the typical high force, explosive lifting seen in most gyms. Think of it as the Tai Chi of weight training. There are no sudden, explosive or highly abrupt movements that can potentially cause injury.


calisthenics for beginners

Matt Schifferle


Achieve your fitness goals with calisthenics―no weights, trainer or gym required

Gain strength, mobility, endurance, and flexibility using simple body movements and nothing more than your own weight. Calisthenics for Beginners provides an all-inclusive training plan that won’t require massive sacrifices to your time, energy, or wallet.

Power through three calisthenic workout programs that progress in technique and intensity as you build a comprehensive understanding of this approachable training method. Then, explore recovery techniques, plus guidelines for creating a workout routine that fits your personal goals and lifestyle. Calisthenics is the workout of choice for athletes of all fitness levels, from weekend walkers to professional sports stars.

Calisthenics for Beginners includes:

  • Training for all levels―Endlessly adjustable and customizable calisthenics workouts meet you where you are and serve your unique fitness goals.

  • Full-body workouts―This complete, efficient approach to fitness works your whole body with a series of simple movement patterns.

  • Variety, versatility, and fun―More than 35 dynamic exercises featuring the progressions, modifications, and variations you need to keep it interesting, challenging, and engaging.

The myth that getting fit requires a gym, a trainer, and even weights has been disproven―calisthenics is the physical conditioning way of the future.

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