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a complete cleanse and detox

The most effective way to do a full cleanse and detox is slowly, gently, and in the right order, which is from the outside inward. Start with a home cleanse, then a surface cleanse, a deep cleanse, and lastly, a mental cleanse.

Picture by Sara Chai at Pexels

I found that many of my fibromyalgia patients showed signs of toxic overload, especially of the liver. Interestingly, many of the symptoms of toxicity are similar to those of fibromyalgia. They include pain, headaches, fatigue, brain fog, memory problems, poor sleep, irritability, emotional outbursts, mood swings, anxiety, and depression. 


In my early days as a homeopath my approach was to first cleanse the organs with remedies and then slowly rebuild those organs with herbs. I had some success but it was always a battle, and the symptoms would usually return after a few months. 


This got me thinking that exposure to household chemicals and toxins could be an underlying cause of these returning symptoms. The average home contains between 500 and 1,000 toxins, most of them you are unable to see, taste or smell. So any kind of body cleanse method is worthless if you don’t first detox your home. It’s just an endless cycle of removing toxins and then welcoming them right back into your body.


In the past I not much of a fan of cleansing and detoxing because I felt it was too physically demanding on the body, and in addition there were the symptoms of the cleansing reaction, such as fatigue, rashes, and diarrhea. 


The more I learned about cleansing, and the more I practiced it, the more I realized just how essential it was to good health. In fact it’s become such an indispensable tool in my practice that I can’t imagine treating a case without at least including some basic cleansing.


There is a way to do a full cleanse that will cause a minimum amount of unpleasant reactions, and that is slowly, gently, and in the right order, which is from the outside inward.

homemade cleaning products

1. home cleanse

Household cleaning products make our homes look sparkly clean, but ironically, they contain a long list of nasty ingredients that increase our pain, deplete our energy, and ruin our health. How about making your own?

handmade cosmetics

2. body cleanse

Those luxurious bodycare products you like to use certainly make you look good, but the price you pay is feeling like hell on the inside. Thankfully, there are alternatives that will make you feel good and look gorgeous too.

handmade cosmetics

4. mental cleanse 

Those luxurious bodycare products you like to use certainly make you look good, but the price you pay is feeling like hell on the inside. Thankfully, there are alternatives that will make you feel good and look gorgeous too.

homemade cleaning products

3. deep cleanse

Household cleaning products make our homes look sparkly clean, but ironically, they contain a long list of nasty ingredients that increase our pain, deplete our energy, and ruin our health. How about making your own?

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toxic overload quiz
body cleanse
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